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Toilet Repairs & Replacements

Service Includes:

  • Unlock Toilets

  • Replacement of Cisterns

  • Replacement of Bowls 

  • & much more


A Leaking Toilet will not only be torture on your ears but it will be flushing away litres of water a day, costing you money.


Common noises to listen for are a hissing or refilling of the cistern (from the valve and float that holds the water before you flush) that does not seem to stop, a slow toilet dribble into the pan and buttons that don’t pop up easily.


If you have a smell coming from the base of the floor you may have a toilet leak into the floor which could potentially turn into a bathroom renovation or repair.


Our plumbers are here to solve all toilet related problems. Some of the most common problems are leaking toilets, running toilets, overflowing toilets and leaking toilet bases.


Most of these issues may be resolved without too much drama but should you require a toilet replacement we can manage the installation also as well as having discounted leading brands available for your toilet replacement in our showroom.



A toilet has quite a few parts and depending on use these parts wear down over time.


Within the toilet there are valves, rubbers, floats and other parts that are needed to keep everything operating. As some of these parts are continually under water they will wear out faster than dry parts may. For these reasons it is not an uncommon problem to have a leaking toilet. If your toilet is leaking water it is best to get this fixed ASAP to save on the cost of water going down the drain.


To save potentially costly additional repairs or even a total replacement from a failed DIY attempt we suggest obtaining a professional plumbing service like Rob Ripepi Plumbing.


We are repairing toilets every day so we have a solution available for you.

If you suspect a leak, choose a time when the toilet won’t be in use for a while. Place a few drops of food coloring in the cistern. If the color is in the bowl next time you visit the facility you are experiencing a leak.


Not only do we fix leaking toilets we also complete bathroom renovations, so should you need a replacement toilet we have makes and models available and can assist you making a decision and even install it for you.



The first suggestion is to stop using the toilet if you can because this is water that was in the bowl when the toilet was in use. This type of leak will likely have an odor and even after repair an odor may remain for a while, although we will clean around the area as best we can to reduce this risk. Not to mention it is just generally unhygienic.


To fix this type of leak you can tighten the bolts around the base and this may well work for a while, however it is likely the connector between your toilet and the sewer is worn. It is best to have this replaced. Technically, a wax ring is compressed between the flange and the base of the toilet, forming a water tight seal. When working well you don’t need to screw the bolts holding the toilet down very hard to achieve a seal.


Please do not use a sealant (known as caulking) around the base of the toilet as a way of fixing the leak. Sealing around the toilet base can keep water and grime from going under the toilet, and it generally looks tidier. At the same time, it may also keep water from coming out from under the toilet. If you develop a leak, the water will be trapped under the toilet. This could allow the leak to do much more damage, before you notice you have a leak. So if you know you have a leak and you use sealant to try and hide it or as a solution to the problem you are in for a shock sometime in the not too distant future.


If you do want to seal around the toilet to make it look nice, leave a gap at the back where any leak may be observed in the future so you can catch it before real damage is done

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